RCM research awards buddy scheme
This Ilearn module provides the IT platform for the RCM Research Awards Buddy Scheme. This scheme provides peer-to-peer support, provided voluntarily by previous award winners, to midwives applying for the Wellbeing of Women Entry Level Scholarship (WoW) and/or the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust Jean Davies (JD) awards.
The RCM part funds the Wellbeing of Women Entry Level Scholarship (WoW) and Iolanthe Trust Jean Davies (JD) award each year. It is hoped that this buddy scheme will encourage more midwives to apply for these awards and will support prospective applicants to deliver better focused and stronger applications to each of the award bodies.
If you are considering applying for either the Wellbeing of Women Entry Level Scholarship (WoW) and Iolanthe Trust Jean Davies award you can apply for support within this scheme. There is a short form to complete that you then send to the RCM Research Advisors at research@rcm.org.uk Please go to the RCM Research Hub to access the application form.
If you have any questions about this scheme please email the RCM Research Advisors Jenny Cunningham and Jude Field via research@rcm.org.uk .