Trades union councils
As a trade union, as well as a professional association, the RCM supports its members in the workplace. We understand the value of trade unions working together, which is why we are proud to be affiliated to the Trades Union Congress in England, the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), the Wales Trades Union Congress and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU).

The RCM has a seat on the TUCās General Council. TUC-affiliated unions also sit on the Public Services Forum, a tripartite body of unions, government and public service employers. The RCM puts forward two motions for debate at the TUC Congress (the annual conference) and these can be about trade union issues but also professional issues such as maternal mental health, continuity of care, or the future of midwifery education. Motions that are passed at the conference shape TUC policy for the following year. RCM Workplace Representatives can access development opportunities through the TUC Education programme and the Organising Academy. The RCM also sits on the STUCās equality groups: Black workers; disabled workers; LGBT+ workers; and the Womenās Committee.
The RCM in Scotland is affiliated to the STUC. The RCM puts forward motions to congress annually. The Director sits on the STUC womenās committee and contributes to implementing the workplan resulting from the motions submitted to the STUC womenās conference. Priorities involve issues that impact on women workers in Scotland for example childcare, free school meals and womenās health. RCM workplace representatives have opportunities for development through the union learning fund in Scotland, for example the facilitation training provided for members last year and attendance at the annual womenās weekend. We also support reps to attend the other equalities conferences to build solidarity and inclusion in our union with our sister unions.
Wales/Cymru TUC
RCM Wales has a seat at the Cymru TUC General Council and attends the Cymru TUC biannual Congress. Motions on topics such as EDI, breastfeeding and staff wellbeing which are passed at congress then go on toĀ influence future policy and processes.Ā RCM Wales also has a seat on the Welsh Partnership Forum (WPF), which brings together unions, NHS employers and Welsh Government.Ā This is where pay policy and agenda for change topics are discussed and agreed.
In Northern Ireland, the RCM is one of 44 unions affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trades Unions (ICTU), north and south of the border. The RCM deals mainly through the Northern Ireland Office whichĀ operates within a different environment, dealing with British trade union legislation and a significantly different economic and social environment. We participate in education and learning opportunities and actively engage with the All Ireland ICTU Biennial Congress, Northern Ireland ICTU Biennial Congress and the ICTU Womenās Conference, proposing and seconding motions with particular relevance to womenās health and rights. We are an active member of the Northern Ireland Committee of the ICTU Health Committee.