DSD: recognising differences in sex development
What to do when it is unclear if a newborn baby is a boy or a girl? You can expect to see atypical genitalia at least once during the course of your career. Most babies born with a difference in sex development (DSD) have genitalia that look different.
There are many conditions which cause DSD. Your responsibility is to recognise atypical genitalia, which could signify a DSD, to support the family and refer appropriately. Early detection and referral of newborns with a potential DSD allows the following:
- Expert handling of sensitive issues
- Prompt investigation for potentially harmful conditions
- Timely coordination of care and care planning
Learning outcomes
This short, interactive module will cover the following:
- Defining sex in an embryo
- Confidently examining newborn genitalia and identifying possible differences of sex development (DSD)
- Recognising when to refer babies with suspected DSD
- Who is involved in the care of a baby with atypical-appearing genitalia?
- How to support families affected by DSD
- How to talk to families when there is uncertainty about diagnosis
Study time: 30 minutes (this module includes an interactive video of 12 minutes’ duration)
Original content: 2023