Very brief advice on smoking for pregnant women

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

This module deals with delivering very brief advice (VBA) on smoking to pregnant women, including carbon monoxide (CO) screening.

Smoking in pregnancy poses significant health risks to the mother and to the baby. VBA is a proven intervention that has the potential to improve the health, in fact save the lives, of both mother and baby.

After completing this training module you will be able to:

  • Describe the main effects of smoking upon the health of mother and baby
  • Understand the patterns and prevalence of smoking among pregnant women
  • Provide an overview of VBA (ASK, ADVISE, ACT) and where this fits into the care pathway
  • Establish smoking status (ASK), including CO screening
  • Advise women on the best way of stopping smoking or managing their exposure to smoke (ADVISE)
  • Support women to quit or manage their exposure to smoke (ACT)
  • Deal with issues as they arise
  • Complete a short assessment to consolidate your knowledge

This course contains a number of videos of between 7 seconds and 2 minutes in length.

Study time: 1 hour

Original content: June 2016
Updated: August 2018
Review date: June 2020

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