Safeguarding and child protection
The purpose of this i-learn module is to support the development of best practice in safeguarding and child protection. This includes enabling a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of midwives and maternity support workers in the identification of those families requiring early help and in recognition and referral of situations that indicate that a child (including an unborn child) may be at risk of significant harm. Following an outline of the knowledge, skills and framework for practice, participants are guided to learning from SCRs (serious case reviews) that has direct relevance to midwifery practice. The module has been designed to meet the needs of new practitioners (who are encouraged to take time to access the linked resources and additional reading) but may also usefully serve as an update for those who are more established in practice.
The course aims to build practitioner competence and confidence in their safeguarding and child protection roles and responsibilities and will enable participants to:
- outline the key concepts and theoretical underpinnings that inform practice
- understand the importance of a public health approach to the prevention of child maltreatment, and the potential to be proactive in improving outcomes for children, young people and their families
- know how to access and apply relevant statutory and non-statutory guidance in the context of maternity services.
- increase your awareness of your local safeguarding leadership and governance arrangements and the means of accessing support and advice
- gain confidence in, and understanding of, the need to work with others, both within health services and in the wider inter-agency context, to ensure the safety and welfare of children
- discuss the learning from serious case reviews as applied to wider practice in maternity services
The course contains a video (4.20 minutes run time).
Study time: 40 minutes
Original content: 2017
Reviewed: 2021