Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a human rights issue which affects more than 200 million women and girls worldwide.
Across the UK it is estimated that approximately 103,000 women aged 15-49 and approximately 24,000 women aged 50 and over who have migrated to England and Wales are living with the consequences of FGM.
This i-learn module therefore looks at how to identify FGM, communicate effectively and sensitively whilst caring for women and girls who have had FGM and also considers how to prevent FGM being practised in the future.
On completion of this i-learn module, participants will:
- have a deeper understanding of FGM – what, where, when, how and why it is practised
- understand the actions needed when safeguarding women and girls affected by, or at risk of, FGM
- understand the importance of communicating sensitively with the woman and family members about the health consequences of FGM including a clear understanding of the law in the UK
- gain a working knowledge of safeguarding and relevant legislation in the different parts of the U.K. (e.g. the professional responsibility of the Mandatory Reporting Duty and the mandatory recording of data in England and Wales)
This course contains three video animations of 3-4 minutes plus several other videos of varying lengths where you can skip to the content referred to.
Study time: 40 minutes
Original content: October 2017