One Voice

The One Voice collaboration was established by the RCM and Royal College of Obstetricians to bring together organisations with an interest in maternity care. It includes membership bodies, charities and service user organisations with a shared aim of improving maternity services.

What the One Voice collaboration does

One Voice represents a partnership between key professional organisations, charities and groups representing the user voice in pregnancy, maternity, neonatal care, early perinatal and early years services. The primary purpose is to present a collaborative and, where possible, united voice on key issues to ensure clarity for politicians, national bodies, clinicians and parents. At a time of policy and media focus on maternity services we see our collaborative proactive and reactive capacity as important. One Voice could be described as ‘movement’ rather than a campaign or pressure group. We share a responsibility to bring the parent/patient voice and experiences to the group, to ensure our decisions are informed by the voice and experience of parents, the public and maternity staff alike.


One Voice aims to ensure the best possible outcomes and experiences for women and people who use maternity services, their partners and families, through pregnancy, birth, postnatal care and the early years. We champion high-quality care for all.

We are committed to inclusion and to multi-disciplinary working, to bringing the voice of all service users to the group and to challenging discrimination and inequalities in outcomes and experiences.

We believe that safety and choice – far from being traded-off against one another – are both dependent upon high-quality, personalised care. 

One Voice will combine a focus on key issues, as they arise throughout the year, with meeting and agreeing a One Voice approach to business as usual activity.