
Discover RCM i-learn

i-learn is the RCM’s e-learning platform. It has modules to support your practice as a midwife, MSW or student midwife.

midwife at computer

Dip into RCM i-learn, a valuable online learning resource just for RCM members.

Why use RCM i-learn?

i-learn is engaging and easy to use

provides around-the-clock access to online learning

enrol on any modules you like and work through them when and where you want

download or print certificates on completing the modules to record and evidence your learning

Inside RCM i-learn

Choose from over 150 midwifery-specific modules, from quick 10-minute refreshers to longer, comprehensive packages like “Examination of the Newborn.” Career and leadership development as well as clinical skills, enhanced with interactive elements, videos, animations, quizzes and reflective activities.

Getting started

Simply log in on the RCM website and click on the floating icon in the bottom right of the page to access i-learn, or the button below:

This exclusive member benefit is designed to support your continuous professional development journey.