511-520 of 630 result(s)

More understanding and support from employers needed says RCM on ACAS Menopause guide

By ‘RCM and INMO host joint all-Ireland midwife conference in Armagh’ on 18 October 2019 Today on World Menopause Day the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has published new guidance to help employers and managers support staff who are affected by menopause symptoms at work.

'Midwives comment as abortion is decriminalised in Northern Ireland’

By ‘RCM and INMO host joint all-Ireland midwife conference in Armagh’ on 18 October 2019 Abortion has been decriminalised Northern Ireland. Legislation making the changes came into force at midnight The government now has until the end of March 2020 to come up with regulations for the provision of abortion services. The ...

‘RCM and INMO host joint all-Ireland midwife conference in Armagh’

By ‘RCM and INMO host joint all-Ireland midwife conference in Armagh’ on 17 October 2019 Midwives from both sides of the Irish border will join together today as the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) All Ireland Annual Midwifery Conference gets underway in Armagh.. In January ...

‘Must do everything possible to prevent perinatal deaths says RCM on MBRRACE report’

By ‘Must do everything possible to prevent perinatal deaths says RCM on MBRRACE report’ on 04 October 2019 The latest MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Mortality Surveillance Report for UK Perinatal Deaths for Births has been published this week (Thursday 10th of September). This is the fifth MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Mortality Surveillance Report ad provides ...

About safest and best possible care says RCM on new NMC Future Midwife Standards

on 04 October 2019 Yesterday the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) approved new Standards of proficiency for midwives and Standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes. The RCM has been actively engaged with the NMC on the development of these standards.

‘RCM providing support to members now guidance on abortion law in Northern Ireland has been published’

By ‘RCM providing support to members now guidance on abortion law in Northern Ireland has been published’ on 04 October 2019 The government has published interim guidance for healthcare professionals on abortion law in Northern Ireland. The new guidelines cover the period from 22 October to 31 March 2020. They set out what will happen following changes to the ...