Journal Clubs
We are very proud to host three journal clubs!
Maternity Support Worker Journal Club
We want to provide the space needed for Maternity Support Workers across the country to develop their knowledge base and skillset within maternity care by gaining a deeper understanding of research and the place of evidence-based care within the modern healthcare system.
This free-to-use service is a specifically designed project aimed at any support worker working within maternity who wishes to develop their awareness of their profession and the wider context surrounding pregnancy as well as the people we provide care to. There are no educational requirements, this an open-to-all group that welcomes the broad spectrum of experience and insight that MSWs bring.
Previous MSWJC Lives
What is the MSWJC?
This unique space was created in 2023, initially as an email subscription service intended to bridge the gap of access to evidence between MSWs and their colleagues. During the last year, we have covered topics ranging across maternity care including homebirth, breastfeeding, social media in pregnancy and many more in the hopes of providing an easy to access service that meets the needs of the modern MSW and the service they work in.
Rob Moore
Midwives-in-Training Research and Journal Review Club
Enhance Your Skills, Expand Your Knowledge, and Make an Impact!
The MITRJRC is designed to offer a thorough approach to fostering research skills and professional development among midwives in training.
This club integrates diverse topics, practical applications, and recognises member achievements while emphasising the importance of embedding research at all levels of midwifery practice.
We meet every month with a different topic as our focus.
Previous MITRJRC Lives
All Wales Midwives Journal Club
By midwives, for midwives the AWMJC is an opportunity for midwives, student midwives and MSWs across Wales to come together and discuss all subjects linking to midwifery and maternity care. This club is free to registered midwives and student midwives and aims to support the ongoing collaborative learning and professional development of midwives across the country.
What is the AWMJC?
The AWMJC began life as a local journal club in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, aiming to encourage and support the engagement of Mmidwives with research. Facilitated by MIDIRS and coordinated by a team of Mmidwives across Wales, the AWMJC rotates through each local Health Board once a year. Every two months, the hosts will choose a topic and an article, create a presentation, and participate in an attendee driven Q&A.