RCM Scotland Student Midwife Awards

The RCM Student Midwife Awards celebrate the great work by students on both the MSc and BSc midwifery programmes in Scotland. Showcase your project or dissertation by 20 September 2024, with finalists invited to the Strategic Midwifery Leadership (SMiLE) Conference on 28 November 2024.

Apply now  RCM Scotland BSc and MSc Student Awards 2024 Entry Form



RCM Scotland Student of the Year 2023

Huge congratulations to the winner Morag Gibbs from Edinburgh Napier university pictures here with the judges.

Here are the presentations from the shortlist

Marie Buckleygray - Empowering Midwives: advancing Maternity Care by bridging gaps in the time- critical administration of Tranexamic Acid during situations of postpartum haemorrhage

Morag Gibbs - Exploring women’s experiences of midwifery care in subsequent pregnancy following baby loss within the United Kingdom and Ireland

Isla McMillan - Antenatal colostrum harvesting

Eilidh Pearce - Pregnancy after loss, exploring the women's experience

Antonia Speir - Women's experience of induction of labour


