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11-20 of 21 result(s)

State of NHS buildings holding back improvements in maternity care

14 April 2021 Leading health organisations including the Royal College of Midwives have called for upgrades to England’s NHS maternity service buildings to improve care for women and conditions for staff in a letter to Health Minister Nadine Dorries today.

RCM part of coalition launching videos to support health staff on signs of life in extremely pre-term babies 

29 June 2022 Two videos to help health professionals in assessing, identifying, and documenting signs of life in extremely preterm babies have been published by a coalition of health organisations including the Royal College of Midwives (RCM).

Staffing and funding for maternity bereavement services ‘a scandal’ says the RCM at TUC Congress

18 October 2022 Significant and urgent Investment is needed to tackle serious staff shortages and underfunding in maternity service bereavement care. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) in a motion to the TUC Congress tomorrow.

NHS maternity staffing crisis putting babies’ lives at risk

13 October 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and leading UK pregnancy and baby loss charity Sands are warning that a severe shortage of staff in maternity services is putting mothers and babies’ lives at risk. The message comes as a report - on maternity ...