North east regional training day

This training day provides RCM workplace representatives with key updates and the skills to support and represent branch members. You will catch up with your local regional team and other workplace reps from your area to focus on local issues. There will be a regional round up highlighting issues specific to your areas and the opportunity to raise any issues your branch has.

This is part of your workplace representative training and is covered under time off for trade union activities.


09.00            Registration 

09.30            Guest Speaker – Liz Blackshaw
                       Regional Secretary for North East Yorkshire and Humber TUC           

10.00             RCM update           

10.30             Comfort break                   

10.45             Neurodivergence acceptance toolkit
                       Ruby Handley-Stone         

11.15                Preparing for a case                     

12.15               Lunch           

13.15               Organising in your workplace                                
14.00             Recruiting newly qualified midwives in the workplace                      

14.30             Regional round up            

15.30             Close           
