Leadership webinar series: multigenerational working

Maternity services are increasingly diverse, with multiple generations working together. This diversity brings significant benefits to our services, enhancing the richness of ideas, values, and approaches to the care we provide. However, it also brings challenges, particularly if we are not equipped to understand each other’s needs and communicate effectively.

Join us for an insightful webinar with leadership expert Emma Clayton, who will navigate the complexities of multigenerational working and highlight the strengths and opportunities each generation brings to our services.

In this interactive session, Emma Clayton will delve into:

Challenges in leading multigenerational teams: Discover the common obstacles faced when managing teams composed of Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Learn how to address communication barriers, technological adaptation, and differing work values to create a harmonious and productive work environment.

Values and expectations of different generations: Gain a deeper understanding of the unique values and expectations that each generation holds. From Baby Boomers' loyalty and job security to Generation Z's digital fluency and social responsibility, uncover what motivates and drives each cohort.

Leveraging the strengths of multigenerational teams: Explore practical strategies to harness the diverse strengths of your team. Learn how to foster inclusive communication, promote continuous learning, and create a flexible work environment that meets the needs of all generations.

Why attend?
  • Enhance team dynamics: Improve the cohesiveness and effectiveness of your team by understanding and valuing generational differences.
  • Boost leadership skills: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to lead a diverse workforce with confidence and empathy.
  • Foster innovation: Leverage the unique perspectives and strengths of each generation to drive innovation and improve service delivery.
Who should attend?

This webinar is designed for midwifery leaders, managers, and practitioners who are looking to enhance their leadership skills and foster a collaborative and inclusive workplace.

About the speaker:

Emma Clayton is a renowned leadership expert and author with extensive experience in guiding organisations through the complexities of modern day workplaces. With a passion for fostering highly effective teams, Emma brings practical insights and proven strategies to help leaders navigate and leverage the strengths of a diverse workforce.

