71-80 of 160 result(s)
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Spring 2018

01 March 2018 RCM annual midwifery awards compendium - A look at this year’s winners and runners-up | The Big Conversation - New CEO Gill Walton wants to hear midwives’ ideas for improving the profession | Placentophagy - Are there any benefits to eating placenta? ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - March 2018

01 March 2018 Editorial: I spy with my little electronic eye your digital profile: living with the discoverability factor | An ethnographic exploration of midwives accessing and using information for practice in the labour ward | Online medication purchasing ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Winter 2017

01 December 2017 Safety in maternity services - Examining the new initiatives to keep women and babies safe | E-rostering - The jury is out on the benefits of electronic workforce planning | MTP - It’s a year since MTP pilot schemes began to expand local choice ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - December 2017

01 December 2017 Editorial: New guidance: decisions on staff and outputs for REF 2021 | Pregnant women’s experiences of screening for fetal abnormalities according to NICE guidelines | Maternity high dependency care in obstetric units remote from tertiary ...
Position Statements


01 October 2017 The RCM supports a woman’s choice to engage the services of a doula to provide emotional, physical, practical and social support.
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Autumn 2017

01 September 2017 NHS pay cap - The RCM launches its Fair Pay Overdue campaign to tackle recruitment and retention issues | Student funding - Students in England must now pay to study, but at what cost? | MTP - How maternity staff are kept in the loop and why their input ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - September 2017

01 September 2017 Editorial: Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy: a ray of hope | Midwifery lecturers’ views of shortened midwifery programmes in the UK | The face of salutogenesis: an interdisciplinary Swiss thermal imaging case report ...
Midwives Magazine

Midwives Magazine - Summer 2017

01 June 2017 Continuity of carer - The practical side and impact for midwives and MSWs is explored | Case study - Findings from an A-EQUIP pilot site | Supervision - A closer look at the new A-EQUIP model | Fetal monitoring - What the NICE updates on fetal heart ...
Evidence-Based Midwifery Journal

Evidence Based Midwifery - June 2017

01 June 2017 Editorial: Using social media for research | An analysis of motivational goals in breastfeeding instruction in a Thai cultural setting | Diet and eating habits of expectant parents and families in Ras Al Khaimah, Emirates | Capture my mood: ...