91-100 of 273 result(s)

The power of words

By RCM Research Fellow Juliet Rayment The language we use – whether in clinical notes or with the women and families in our care – matters. For the past few months, RCM Research Fellow Juliet Rayment has been working on a project to find a shared vocabulary around labour and birth. Here ...

Supporting women seeking care outside guidance

By Lia Brigante, Policy & Practice Advisor Putting women at the heart of care is what midwives do, day in, day out. But what if they request care outside guidance? The RCM’s Policy & Practice Advisor, Lia Brigante, introduces the new publication to support midwives.

The warning signs

By Stuart Bonar, Public Affairs Advisor We need more midwives. That has been one of the most important messages the RCM has sought to get across to politicians for years. Indeed, it is one of the asks we have in the blueprint for better maternity services in Northern Ireland that we are ...

Safer Sleep Week from The Lullaby Trust

By Stella Parkin Professional Advisor and Training Lead, The Lullaby Trust Safer Sleep Week is The Lullaby Trust’s national awareness campaign targeting anyone looking after a young baby. It aims to raise awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and the safer sleep advice that reduces the risk of it occurring.