71-80 of 97 result(s)

RCM urges Northern Ireland members to vote yes on positive pay offer

on 30 January 2020 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today begun consulting with its members on a new pay deal. The RCM is urging its members in Northern Ireland to accept the deal brokered by the RCM with the new Stormont government. It finally gives HSC midwives ...

RCM suspends industrial action ballot following ‘positive’ pay offer - Consultation with affected members to start 20 January

on 17 January 2020 After intense negotiations with the newly-appointed Health Minister, the Royal College of Midwives is to suspend its ballot for industrial action with immediate effect. The outline agreement will see Northern Ireland midwives and maternity ...

Northern Ireland midwives urged to vote yes in ballot on industrial action starting today

on 06 January 2020 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is urging its members in Northern Ireland to vote yes in a ballot starting today on industrial action. The ballot, which asks midwives and Maternity Support Workers (MSWs) whether they wish to take industrial ...
 Northern Ireland midwives to be balloted on industrial action

Northern Ireland midwives to be balloted on industrial action

By Northern Ireland midwives to be balloted on industrial action on 15 December 2019 Midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) working in Northern Ireland are to be balloted by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) on industrial action up to and including strike action. The ballot will open on Monday 6 January 2020 and will ...
‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM

‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM

By ‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM on 29 November 2019 This week the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is celebrating and highlighting the role of maternity support workers (MSWs) in NHS maternity services. As part of the focus on MSWs and the work that they do the RCM has today published results ...

‘RCM responds to Labour Party manifesto pledges’

By ‘RCM responds to Labour Party manifesto pledges’ on 21 November 2019 The Labour party have today launched their manifesto for the 2019 General Election. Responding Jon Skewes, Executive Director for External Relations at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), said; “We are happy to see a commitment to putting ...