Tameside improve menopause support for members

on 18 March 2021

The RCM Tameside branch decided to improve their support for members experiencing menopause with a support group following an insightful annual general meeting.

Tameside statistics show that 75 per cent of the staff are female and of those, 50 per cent are in the menopause age range – so the branch were eager to improve the support they had, which was very little. Through the Health and wellbeing steering group, a menopause support group was set up.

Deputy Head of Patient Safety and Risk, Sharon Camkin, led in setting up the group along with her colleagues. She said: “I am Co-Chair of the Disability and Wellness Network and felt the menopause group would fit nicely with the work for that meeting so have got involved with the Train the Trainer course with Henpicked. Myself and a colleague from HR attended this. 

“We are currently developing a three part training package for the Trust staff members as we are aiming to gain a Menopause Friendly accreditation. The training is for colleagues, management and specific support.” 

The branch have entered their menopause improvements into The Glimpse of Brilliance awards, sponsored by the Tameside branch. These awards celebrate anyone in maternity who has gone above and beyond and colleagues nominate. Three names are randomly picked out monthly and they receive a gift. This is £30 a month and each staff member receives a gift for £10, this can be a voucher, flowers etc. The staff get their photo taken each month and this is shared on the private Facebook page for the Trust and the maternity unit.
