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Undermining Toolkit

24 September 2013 The undermining toolkit is an RCOG/Royal College of Midwives (RCM) initiative to address the challenge of undermining and bullying behaviour in maternity and gynaecology services

Midwives Issue 3 - Jun/Jul 2010

01 June 2010 Is it bullying or just being bossy? | Breastfeeding - Author James Akre talks advertising and RCM policies | Listeriosis - The HPA warns of the dangers for pregnant women of not heeding food safety advice | Obstetric cholestasis - Itching in ...

Evidence Based Midwifery - June 2009

01 June 2009 Editorial: Practice: a battlefield where the natural versus the technological | Reflections on engaging in participatory research | Student midwives’ experience of bullying | Can the use of behavioural intervention studies support change ...

Evidence Based Midwifery - September 2018

01 September 2018 Editorial: Reflections on bullying in midwifery and the potential role of EMDR in processing past memories and reducing the impact of trauma | Can physical activity and dietary interventions improve maternal and fetal outcomes in women with ...

What is Caring for You?

01 February 2019 Our Caring for You initiative does exactly what it says on the tin: offers advice and support for looking after ourselves when work-life can get the better of us. We understand that you face staff shortages, heavy workloads, long shifts, missed ...